what we do

We are specialize in development of web application and mobile application for ecommerce shopping, mobile recharge, real estate property management, CRM etC.

Recharge Portal

The company offers best feature recharge software for b2b, b2c business, our designed software for recharge services helpful for distributor, retailer as well customer network,  recharge software have easy recharge process via website, mobile apps, and offline SMS.  Read more

Ecommerce Portal

We have high skilled professionals in ecommerce development and designing capable to build ecommerce shopping web application with buyer and seller modules, just getting buyer ecommerce website called b2c helpful for visitors who want to buy product or services online and seller ecommerce helpful for small vendor who want to add their product or services called b2b ecommerce portal . Read More

Real Estate Portal

Real Estate Portal – It’s a one kind of web application for property management helpful for real estate agents who want to sell their property online, with help of real estate web application can sell or buy their property, home, flat, commercial residency, It’s a best way to interact with the online customers. Read  More